lørdag 16. mars 2019

Engaged for others

The last ten weeks I have focused on the call to ‘Be Ready’, which is the first part of General Brian Peddle’s ‘Call to Mission’ (1). Today I start with the call to ‘Be Engaged’ (2)

Here are some selected quotes with this focus:

“You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen …”Isaiah 43:10a
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations …” says Jesus
Matthew 28:19a
“… we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” says Peter
Acts 4:20b
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” says John
Revelation 22:17a
“I shall endeavour to show, that Christianity is essentially a social religion; and to turn it into a solitary religion, is indeed to destroy it” says John Wesley (3)
‘Others!’ says William Booth – and that says it all.
‘Manna’ for today:
Saved to Save & Saved to Serve
(1) Call to Mission - NOW!
(2) A CALL TO SERVE: Serving others must be our missional priority. We must value officership, local officership, soldiership, adherency and junior soldiership, recognising too that The Salvation Army’s many employees and volunteers are key to fulfilling our tasks.
A CALL TO WORSHIP: We should celebrate God’s redeeming love through our worship, seeking culturally-relevant ways to join together in praise and thanks., as we reach out to and welcome people.
A CALL TO CONFIDENCE IN THE GOSPEL: As we share the good news of the gospel, we must recognise its power for salvation and transformation. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, people can be released from everything that stops them reaching their God-given potential.

(3) In ‘No holiness, but social holiness’ in “Upon our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount” IV – Sermon XIX – i “Wesley’s Standard Sermons” Vol. I – Francis Asbury Press – Grand Rapids – 1955 s. 382

* The picture is the cover page of Harold Hill’s book – hereby recommended.

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