When John wrote: “there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” (1), I do not think that it was the physical acts of Jesus John was referring to.
Even if the relatively short life of Jesus was eventful and packed with remarkable stories, I do not think that it was an impossible task to compile it all in a couple of volumes. I think John saw the spiritual mystery, and like Paul (2), he realized that we only see and grasp a glimpse of it. It is comforting that even a glimpse is enough to grasp the core of the mystery. At that moment, I also make the recognition that this is something that exceeds all the books the world can contain.
The same is the true with regard to the mystery of “Holiness”. Over the last couple of days I have written about being loved back to the original image of God, and how beautiful that is. I am also aware that the real image of God, in which we were created, also gives a small glimpse of what holiness is, but I am convinced that it is very important glimpse. Many share this view. Chick Yuill, who himself has written several books on holiness, concludes that essence and goal of Catherine Booth’s holiness-teaching is “the restoration of the image” (3). I agree with Chick's conclusion.
Yesterday I used one of Albert Orsborn’s choruses. I am sure it would be possible to find songs to illustrate most of the aspects of holiness (4), and today I will quote part of a verse by the Norwegian poet and SA-officer H. A. Tandberg. These lines made a strong impression on me as a young Christian – and still do (please excuse my poor translation):
(1) Joh 21:25
(2) For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 1 Cor 13:12
(3) Chick Yuill in: Clifford Kew ed.: “Catherine Booth – Her Continuing Relevance” IHQ 1990 p 52
(4) ...and I will for a few days more.
(5) The original text in Norwegian is found in: "FAs Sangbok" 2010 - #340
When John wrote: “there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” (1), I do not think that it was the physical acts of Jesus John was referring to.
Even if the relatively short life of Jesus was eventful and packed with remarkable stories, I do not think that it was an impossible task to compile it all in a couple of volumes. I think John saw the spiritual mystery, and like Paul (2), he realized that we only see and grasp a glimpse of it. It is comforting that even a glimpse is enough to grasp the core of the mystery. At that moment, I also make the recognition that this is something that exceeds all the books the world can contain.
The same is the true with regard to the mystery of “Holiness”. Over the last couple of days I have written about being loved back to the original image of God, and how beautiful that is. I am also aware that the real image of God, in which we were created, also gives a small glimpse of what holiness is, but I am convinced that it is very important glimpse. Many share this view. Chick Yuill, who himself has written several books on holiness, concludes that essence and goal of Catherine Booth’s holiness-teaching is “the restoration of the image” (3). I agree with Chick's conclusion.
Yesterday I used one of Albert Orsborn’s choruses. I am sure it would be possible to find songs to illustrate most of the aspects of holiness (4), and today I will quote part of a verse by the Norwegian poet and SA-officer H. A. Tandberg. These lines made a strong impression on me as a young Christian – and still do (please excuse my poor translation):
Therefore, God's face I'll be seekingSo, I feel the need to pray like David:
till I'm transformed by his grace,
and his own image's remaking
deep in my heart can take place. (5)
When You said, “Seek My face,”‘Manna’ for today:
My heart said to You,
“Your face, Lord, I will seek.”
Psalm 27:8
Holiness is about constant glimpses of God’s face.----------------------------------------
(1) Joh 21:25
(2) For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 1 Cor 13:12
(3) Chick Yuill in: Clifford Kew ed.: “Catherine Booth – Her Continuing Relevance” IHQ 1990 p 52
(4) ...and I will for a few days more.
(5) The original text in Norwegian is found in: "FAs Sangbok" 2010 - #340
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