lørdag 2. mars 2019

Did care influence God’s ‘Now’?

When I was a cadet in the “Overcomers Session” 1974-76 in London, the campaign “For God’s sake CARE” had still a strong focus in the profiling of The Salvation Army. 
In 2019, almost 45 years later The Salvation Army in Romania is celebrating 20 years of ministry. They have chosen “Love and Care” to describe what our mission is all about.

I believe love and care will influence God’s ‘Now’, and again I turn to the gospel of John for Biblical support.

Five people who loved Jesus dearly did not abandon him in his darkest hour. Among the five were Mary and John. The little group cared all the way to the foot of the cross. When Jesus saw them standing there, I am sure he cared for all five of them as he cares for all mankind. However, in the last struggle of his life he exemplified what care is all about when he turned to his mother and to John and asked them to care for one another as mother and son.

I am convinced that receiving care and giving care influenced God’s most important ‘Now’ in all eternity = Jesus’ exclamation:

“It is finished.”
John 19:30
In Norwegian we have one word for ‘finished’ that translates “it is brought to full completion” or “it is fulfilled”. Mutual love and care brought the mission to its fulfilment. Life cannot exist without love and care. I can’t care if I am not able to accept care, and I can’t love if I am not able to accept love. When love and care is released, we see God’s ‘Now’ come true and make the fulfilment of the total mission come closer.

‘Manna’ for today:

For God’s Sake, CARE!

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