Tomorrow is “recharge day” in Eastern Europe Territory. The first day of every month is set aside for officers to “charge” the batteries. When I have ‘charged’ the batteries, I am ready for the ‘charge’ I am ‘charged’ with.
Three times in his letters to Timothy Paul used variants of
I charge you therefore…Other versions use words like ‘urge’, ‘command’ or ‘commission’ all variants work well together with the image of the commander and the soldier. Each charge is linked to the mission and the ministry given to Timothy. That is also the case in this last chapter of the second letter, and Paul found authority for his charge in the faith in “his appearing and his kingdom”.
2 Tim 4:1
When I share the same faith, I cannot run away from the charge was given to Timothy. It belongs to the mission I am made accountable for.
‘Manna’ for today:
Because I believe, I am charged for mission
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