fredag 24. februar 2017

Expert help with correction of mistakes

I am aware of the fact that I make a lot of mistakes. Allow me to limit the example to the “art of writing”. On my present PC, I have not been able to get the spelling control work in Norwegian when I write a Word-document, which is the base-document for my blogging. So, even though I proof-read, mistakes slip through and disturb the point I want to make. I have sought expert help, but so far without success.

In the childhood of IT-technology, the user-guides for software were often called ‘bibles’. They contained advises when something had gone wrong and needed to be corrected. I think this is a neat introduction to today’s expert advice from Paul:

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for … rebuking, correcting … 2 Tim 3:16-17
I am impressed by how Paul was consistent in the way he gave advise. This trait is also seen in his focus on the role of the Spirit in the process of leading people to the truth. This is definitely true for the God-breathed Scriptures, which often will prove to be sufficient as far as people seek guidance there. However, situations will occur when God has to use an individual to lead people “back on track”. For this person it is equally important to be God-breathed, as it is for the Scriptures he or she relates to. Paul wrote about this too:
Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently.
Gal 6:1
I am convinced that if we gave more room to the Holy Spirit, there would be fewer mistakes both in the first line and in the support systems of the church.

‘Manna’ for today

It is all about more room for the Spirit

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