lørdag 15. desember 2018

Advent – more to wait for!

When I last week asked the question “What am I waiting for?” – I answered “Your kingdom come!”.
Of course this links very well with the forthcoming celebration of the coming of the King of kings.

However, it must not stop with the celebration of the coming of Christ more than 2000 years ago; or with the coming of Christ in and through his body of believers today. Until Christ returns at the end of time, what I will be waiting and longing for is covered in the prayer:

“Your will be done!”
Matthew 6:10
The good news about what the will of God is, was made known by the angel at the birth of Jesus:
“a Saviour has been born to you!”
Luke 2:11
The whole purpose with “Christmas” was to give the world a Saviour so that “whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”(1). When the first Christians prayed the Lord’s prayer, they knew that the greatest desire of God is that: “God our Saviour, … wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth”(2).

When I am waiting for God’s will to be done, it is a challenge when I already know what his will is. It would be simpler if I didn’t know and could ask him what it was. I cannot ask him to save the world, because he has already done it. The challenge is that so many people in the world do not know this truth. When I know the will of God and that he has already done his part, I am the closest one to do something with what I know. When I in advent-expectations pray: “Your will be done!” it is very likely that solution is found in the

‘Manna’ for today:

Sometimes I have the key to the answer to a prayer in my own heart.
(1) John 3:16b
(2) 1 Timothy 2:4

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