lørdag 6. mai 2017

It is about sharing - a time for everything *

Yesterday I wrote about the ‘holy unrest’ that was caused by the need to share an important experience with friends. The two who had walked from Emmaus to Jerusalem in the darkness of the evening managed to find their friends. I expect that they were taken by surprise and amazement when friends beat them on the ‘finish-line’ and proclaimed:
“It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon.” Then the two told what had happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread.
Luke 24:34-35
The need to share can be so strong that I cannot afford to let it be. When Peter after Pentecost was commanded to stop speaking about Jesus, he answered:
As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
Acts 4:20
I think Jesus was a model for his disciples even in the field of sharing personal experiences. Since Jesus was alone in several of his spiritual victories, he must have told his disciples about them. He was alone when he was tempted in the wilderness and he was alone when he fought with his own will in Gethsemane. 

I do not know when on the journey he shared the first experience with the disciples, but the Gethsemane experience must have been shared with the disciples after the resurrection. Simply because there was not much time to share it before the crucifixion. It means that it must have been shared in one of the meetings Jesus had with the disciples before his ascension to heaven.

The disciples saw and learned from Jesus' testimony. And when they used the same method themselves, I am convinced that they found it both useful to share their experiences, and a blessing on the ongoing journey.

One of the most important things in my life, is to share the testimony of who Jesus is and what he has done to me. I simply cannot help.

‘Manna’ for today

I just have to tell about it!
* 'A time for everything' is connected with the Bible's teaching about a 'season for every activity' Eccl 3 This series is about the teaching in the time between Easter and Pentecost

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