tirsdag 31. januar 2017

Something to be ashamed of?

I will never forget a phrase from General André Cox's speech at Boundless in 2015. “Shame on you!”, he said. “Shame on you!”, he repeated several times. We should be ashamed if we did not have work for children and youth in our churches. I know people who were provoked, but that is OK. Because, if we neglect to focus on the most important work entrusted to us – then “Shame on us!”

However, there is something we should not be ashamed of, and Paul gave a clear message to Timothy:

So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner.
2 Tim 1:8a
I remember that happened on several occasions that I was a little embarrassed on behalf of the Christians when I was a child. In some ways it wasn’t “tough” to be a Christian. On the contrary the “tough” guys normally spoke against anything that had to do with religion. 
My embarrassment quickly disappeared when the Jesus revolution came. All of a sudden I could identify with the "rebels" - people who continued to have long hair after they fell in love with Jesus. So, I let my hair grow too, and discovered that Jesus did not reject me because of it.

I also discovered that the testimony of our Lord is nothing to be ashamed of. 

It is still the world's only hope, and if we ever needed such a hope, it is right now when a large "Christian" nation so clearly shows what Christianity is not. That makes me embarrassed.

‘Manna' for today:

I am not ashamed of Jesus and all he represents,
but of some of those who claim to represent him.

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