“It is about the beginning” was one of the first drinks I drank from the 'well of holiness'. In the reflection I state that God is the beginning and that he is holy. Constantly I return to this starting point. It is the basis of my holiness. If I want to see the fruit of the Spirit in my life, there is only one option:
I guess that the majority of national days around the world will be a celebration of independence, and in most cultures, there are rites of celebration that mark the transition from childhood to adulthood, from dependence to independence.
Even today, I have a strong desire to manage on my own. It is such good feeling to be independent. But in the face of the holiness and fruit that will build the kingdom of God, I have surrendered: “Lord, this I cannot do myself!”
In other words, I am 100% dependent on his help; and when I realize this, I am back at the starting point and the redemption in the ‘promise’: “apart from me you can do nothing.”
This is all about being in him. There is no other option.
'Manna' for today:
“It is about the beginning” was one of the first drinks I drank from the 'well of holiness'. In the reflection I state that God is the beginning and that he is holy. Constantly I return to this starting point. It is the basis of my holiness. If I want to see the fruit of the Spirit in my life, there is only one option:
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.In some ways this is bad news for me. According to my mom, from the moment I could speak I would frequently use the words: “Do it myself!” - The desire to be independent is part of the human spine. And I believe that this is the reason why most people struggle with the concept of holiness - because they are so concerned about: “Do it myself!”
John 15:5
I guess that the majority of national days around the world will be a celebration of independence, and in most cultures, there are rites of celebration that mark the transition from childhood to adulthood, from dependence to independence.
Even today, I have a strong desire to manage on my own. It is such good feeling to be independent. But in the face of the holiness and fruit that will build the kingdom of God, I have surrendered: “Lord, this I cannot do myself!”
In other words, I am 100% dependent on his help; and when I realize this, I am back at the starting point and the redemption in the ‘promise’: “apart from me you can do nothing.”
This is all about being in him. There is no other option.
'Manna' for today:
Thank you for the starting point!--------------------------------------------
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