It is possible that Jesus-identity is not 100% synonym with having Christlikeness as a goal, but I believe that is comes close. If I in any way has contributed to create an engagement with regard to focusing on holiness in my home-country, it must have been through writing a simple song.
I have quoted it before on the blog, but the text challenges me every time I think about it, because I believe it is biblical (1). So in the modus I find myself, looking at contributions to stimulate holiness through songs, here it is:
(1) that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
John 17:21
(2) With gratitude to Jenty Fairbank for valuable assistance
It is possible that Jesus-identity is not 100% synonym with having Christlikeness as a goal, but I believe that is comes close. If I in any way has contributed to create an engagement with regard to focusing on holiness in my home-country, it must have been through writing a simple song.
I have quoted it before on the blog, but the text challenges me every time I think about it, because I believe it is biblical (1). So in the modus I find myself, looking at contributions to stimulate holiness through songs, here it is:
When Jesus comes to town and passes down my local street,‘Manna’ for today:
Will my neighbours even notice the event?
Yet there's an awesome mystery that all believers meet:
It is me, it is me he has sent!
Our Master has a strategy,
quite radical, by far:
We are 'Jesus'
In our time,
Where we are.
When Jesus takes the risk of using me and you today,
I can hardly understand it, but he dares!
Thank God, he's also promised he will guide us on our way,
So I know, so I know that he cares.
When Jesus asks me to reveal his love for all to see,
Will my answer be reliable and true?
'When I walk through your town' he asks 'wherever you may be,
Will they see, will they see me in you?' (2)
Holiness is to have a Jesus-identity in the world-----------------------------
(1) that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
John 17:21
(2) With gratitude to Jenty Fairbank for valuable assistance
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