tirsdag 26. april 2016

A passive strategy?

Whatever arena we find ourselves 
on,  it is important to have a goal for
what we are doing. When the goal is clear, we can consider what strategies are best for achieving this goal. Once the strategy is in place, a plan of action should be made with regard to the practical needs to be done, and who is responsible for making it come true.

One of my goals with this trip through the book of Acts, is to look at the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the believer. It is interesting that a strategy is already given in the very introduction – in the verse which also is quoted above:

On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about."
Acts 1:4
Waiting is an important strategy, but is it passive?

I'm thinking "no", but if the action-plan with regard to the follow-up strategy is: "I put it on hold" – it becomes passive – because that kind of waiting means no action. When we read the first chapters of Acts, it does not give a "passive" the impression. When the disciples follow the commandment to wait, it is an active waiting. That is because waiting in the kingdom of God, is a matter of expectation - and - there is a power also in the waiting. Even Isaiah had made such a discovery:

"Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength"
Isaiah 40:31
Another aspect of waiting is that "religious people" tend to be ahead of God. The mission may become a "trigger" so that it becomes more important than the One we serve.

'Manna' for today: 
I expect more, therefor I'll wait more!
This reflection is part of 'Who acts throug Acts?' 

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