lørdag 17. desember 2016

Instructions on prayer

Paul gave instructions to Timothy about how he should perform his ministry. Some were general, others quite detailed. I am unsure if the instructions come in random order, because I cannot see a pattern in e.g. a falling rate of importance. The fact that instructions on prayer come first, is interesting, but not a surprise. Prayer was very important for Paul. Timothy had personally witnessed this when he travelled on Paul’s second mission team.

Still, I think it is the universal focus that makes Paul give this instruction first. It is the very core of Paul’s values: The gospel includes to all:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
1 Tim 2:1-4
Several years ago I was together with musicians from Drammen brass band and "entertained" at Buskerud County's Christmas lunch for politicians and administration. As part of the "entertainment" I was invited to share a brief Christmas reflection. In doing so, I thanked them for all they did to make the county a good place to live. "I know there are many who complain" I said "but we are also many who pray for those in authority, and I will pray for you again today." So, I prayed for the county mayor and the head administrator by name, and for all the others present and for all they had done and would do to serve the inhabitants.

When I said "Amen", a strange calm had filled the big hall, and it was one of these sacred moments. The County Mayor, who was chairing the event, cleared his throat, and said something like this: "Hmm, this was special - I do not think anyone has ever prayed for me before, and if some of you are wondering what I think about it, I must admit that it feels really good". The head administrator came with a corresponding confirmation.

The Gospel includes everyone – that is why Timothy was instructed to pray for all people. That is something I also want to be involved in!

'Manna' for today:

No one will be excluded from my prayers!
* Drammen Band in concert three weeks after the visit to the County's Christmas party.

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