fredag 15. juli 2016

Despite of…

Yesterday I reflected upon using time and energy where there is an openness for the gospel. Also in Iconium Paul and Barnabas experienced resistance, but at the same time there was a group of people that received the message. Despite of the opposition from another group, they chose to remain for a long time, and in this case, it was the correct strategy:
So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders.
Acts 14:3
Sometimes I have to endure resistance for the sake of the one. The promises of God are valid when we face opposition – may be they are even more visible in such situations? All the same it is in times of hardship that the followers of Christ more than ever need spiritual support, whatever name he answers to, be it Paul, Barnabas or Jostein. 

‘Manna’ for today:

Lord, help me to expect that you will confirm your message of grace!

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