søndag 17. juli 2016

A total dependence on the Holy Spirit - even in organizational matters.

Even though I have focus on the Holy Spirit and how he works in and through people in this study of Acts, it is interesting to notice how important the Spirit’s role was in how the first Christians chose to organize themselves.

In chapter 6 we read how they chose seven men to be deacons in the church in Jerusalem. In the rapid growing church it was important also to “build” church even in the periphery, and this was an important part of the ministry of the pioneers:

Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.
Acts 14:23 
The interaction between the Holy Spirit, the leaders and the use of prayer and fasting is very evident in Luke’s narrative. Since Luke himself came to live so close the story he recorded, it is reasonable to assume that he frequently was a witness to, and a partaker in, the practice he describes. We see it in the appointment of elders, and tomorrow we will see the same with regard to doctrine. Everything points to an utter dependence on the Holy Spirit.

‘Manna’ for today:
I want the Holy Spirit to guide me in all decisions!

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